Glen Powell Covers The Hollywood Reporter

Glen Powell is on the cover of the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter. The actor is on the cover to promote his new film, Hit Man. Highlights from his interview are below.

On being called the next Tom Cruise: “First of all, there will never be another Tom Cruise. That is a singular career in a singular moment, but also movie stars of the ’80s, ’90s, early 2000s, those will never be re-created.”

On his conflicting feelings on being famous: “The thing that makes me feel in conflict with some parts of this moment is that I like choosing when I’m out in front. And I’m more than happy to be on a press tour. I love it. I love going on a Jimmy Fallon — you walk out, you sign autographs, you do the whole thing. But, this idea that you’re a function here. Someone will go, ‘Hey, friend, want to come to this guy’s house? Yeah, come over.’ And then you show up, and suddenly you’re there for, like, someone’s tequila launch and all of a sudden there’s a photographer and you’re like, ‘Wait, what are we doing here?’ And I think you get enough of those that you just want to bring your family as close as possible — or run to them.”

On passing on the upcoming Jurassic Park movie: “Jurassic is one of my favorite movies. It’s one of the things I’ve wanted to do my whole life. I’m not doing that movie because I read the script and I immediately was like, my presence in this movie doesn’t help it. And the script’s great. The movie’s going to fucking kill. It’s not about that. It’s about choosing where you’re going to make an audience happy and where you’re going to make yourself happy.”

You can check out even more from his interview here. Hit Man will be released in select theaters on May 24 and premieres on Netflix in select countries on June 7.

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