Lucy Hale Covers Numéro Netherlands

Lucy Hale is on the cover of em>Numéro Netherlands. Lucy is on the cover of the latest issue to promote her collaboration with the brand, PetSmart. Highlights from her interview are below.

On transitioning from pursuing a singing career to acting: “I was a child who loved escaping in my head and had a huge imagination. I lived and breathed for Disney movies and I would make up these plays and sing songs in my room. I developed a love of singing as a child and started taking singing lessons in Tennessee where I’m from. I just loved putting on a show and entertaining. And I kind of had this feeling, even as a little kid, that that would be my life. I really followed music for a lot of my teen years. I thought that would actually be the avenue that I wanted to pursue, but then I sort of realized that I loved people, I loved observing people, I loved impersonating people and finding characteristics of people that I found were interesting, so I thought maybe I could be an actress. That’s when I started taking acting lessons.”

On the biggest influence in her life: “I feel like the biggest influence on my life has been my life experience, if that makes sense. All the things I’ve been through and all the people I’ve met within that old version of myself have been the biggest influence. I think that goes for everyone. The past 20 years of my life in LA have been sort of a chess game of getting to this point. I’m constantly learning and growing from my family and a solid group of female friends that really have helped build me up when I needed it and supported me.”

You can check out more from her interview here.

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