Emma Stone Sits Down With Vogue To Discuss New Film, Poor Things

Emma Stone sat down with Vogue to promote her new film, Poor Things. The actress was joined by her friend and director, Yorgos Lanthimos, for this little behind the scenes interview. Highlights can be found below.

On collaborating with Lanthimos again: “We’ve known each other for about eight years now, and we started talking about this film around the time we were making The Favourite, in 2017. In the interim, we did a short film called Bleat in Greece at the beginning of 2020, and then we worked together again in New Orleans this fall, so it feels like it’s just been this sort of continuing process.”

On her character Bella’s style transformation: “At the start of the film, Bella is being dressed by a maid and is wearing that white silk house cape a lot of the time; then, once she’s set off on her journey, she’s dressing herself, so she’s wearing bloomers with a jacket and a big hat or whatever, and I loved that element of, How would Bella put clothing together with the way her mind works at this point? At the end, there are these very military-looking dresses that look like nothing you’ve seen Bella wear; things are much more form-fitting and constrained, but that’s because she’s come to a place where she’s grown and decided who she is and what she’s going to do. She’s not assimilating, necessarily, but there’s just more structure there.”

You can check out more from her interview here. Poor Things opens in theaters on September 8.

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