New Installments in the Toy Story, Frozen, and Zootopia Series in the Works

New installments in the Toy Story, Frozen, and Zootopia series have been announced. Disney CEO Bob Iger announced the news during the company’s Q1 earnings call today, February 8.

The CEO, who returned to the company late last year, revealed “Today I’m so pleased to announce that we have sequels in the works from our animation studios to some of our most popular franchises, Toy Story, Frozen and Zootopia. We’ll have more to share about these productions soon, but this is a great example of how we’re leaning into our unrivaled brands and franchises.”

No word on when these new projects will be released, but I’m intrigued to see what they have in store for us. My only hope is the next movie in the Toy Story series reunites Buzz and Woody. I am still irritated with how Toy Story 4 ended.

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