Sway Bhatia Wows On The Cover Of A Book Of

Sway Bhatia is on the cover of the new issue of A BOOK OF. The young actress is on the cover of the latest issue to promote the most recent season of THE MIGHTY DUCKS: GAME CHANGERS. Highlights from her interview are below.

On the return of THE MIGHTY DUCKS: GAME CHANGERS: “I’m beyond excited for everyone to see the work the cast and crew have put into this season. We were also able to have a premiere this year and it was my first time on a red carpet for a show that I’m on. It was so magical! Every little detail of the event was unique; I mean how can you top riding a Zamboni on NHL Ice?”

On some of the challenges she faces being a teen in Hollywood: “There are so many challenges we face as young teens especially when you have a passion for the arts. I have to maintain going to school, be flexible when it comes to staying up late nights and sometimes miss out on birthday parties. I love being on set and working and with the help of my parents I’m able to balance it all out. I think if you really want to, it’s possible to do it all. When I‘m filming, my least favorite word is ‘Pumpkin’, which means that a minor has timed out of working hours for the day.”

On something she loves other than acting: “Besides music (which is my lifeline), I’ve been boxing and drumming for some time now. This year I recently started doing Pilates and found a new therapeutic outlet. I love the challenges and I always feel more energetic and prepared to face the challenges.”

You can check out more from her interview here. THE MIGHTY DUCKS: GAME CHANGERS is currently streaming on Disney+.

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