Harry Styles Covers Rolling Stone Magazine

Harry Styles is on the cover of the September issue of Rolling Stone magazine. The actor is on the cover to promote his upcoming films, Don’t Worry Darling and My Policeman. Highlights from his interview are below.

On still experiencing new things every night while on tour: “We came offstage, and I went into my dressing room and just wanted to sit by myself for a minute. After One Direction, I didn’t expect to ever experience anything new. I kind of felt like, ‘All right, I’ve seen how crazy it can get.’ And I think there was something about it where I was … not terrified, but I just needed a minute. Because I wasn’t sure what it was. Just that the energy felt insane.”

On his personal life being scrutinized: “I’ve never talked about my life away from work publicly and found that it’s benefited me positively. There’s always going to be a version of a narrative, and I think I just decided I wasn’t going to spend the time trying to correct it or redirect it in some way.”

You can check out even more from his interview here.

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