Stars Channel Their Favorite TV Characters For W Magazine’s W TV Portfolio

Elle Fanning, Sadie Sink, Madelyn Cline, and Tom Blyth are featured in W Magazine’s W TV Portfolio. The four young stars join 17 other actors to discuss their careers while also stepping into the shoes of some of their favorite past TV characters.

Elle on being introduced to her favorite series, The Simple Life: “Right, though every two years or so, I’ll watch the show again. I love Nicole Richie. I love Paris Hilton. I’ve gotten to meet Paris a couple times, and she is the nicest and coolest. It was so fascinating hearing in Paris’s documentary how she put on this persona for the reality show. It’s quite clever. My sister and I would watch it and act out the scenes. I would normally be Nicole Richie, and she would be Paris. We would say ‘That’s hot’ and ‘Loves it.’ Finally, I get to dress up as Paris and have the dog, because Dakota always had the Chihuahua.”

Sadie on choosing Elaine from Seinfeld as the character she wanted to portray for the shoot: “There were a few sitcoms that were always on rotation in our house growing up, so I grew up with Seinfeld. My parents would watch it, and I would kind of sneak into the living room and watch a little bit if they let me. I just recently started revisiting it, so it was fresh on my mind. And with Elaine, the dynamic is so cool. It reminded me of Stranger Things in a way—being the only female character in a group full of male characters, similar to Eleven or Max. And just thinking of her in terms of fashion, because Elaine’s costumes are so underrated.”

Madelyn on choosing Peggy Olson from Mad Men, specifically the scene where she walks out, for the shoot: “I’ve always thought that scene was so iconic. Peggy is just such a chaotic character. I thought it would be really fun to do something completely different from anything I’ve been able to play.”

Tom on what inspired him to portray Jack from Lost for the portfolio:Lost was the first show that I remember thinking, I want to do that. I was 10 years old. Remember when you had to look through the television magazine to see what was going to be on? I used to go to my grandma’s house on the weekend and flick through it, and [one day] I saw that the premiere of Lost was that Sunday. I pretty much watched it from the day it first premiered in England into my teens—some very formative years. ”

You can check out more from Elle’s interview here. For more from Sadie’s interview, click here. For more from Madelyn’s interview, click here. Finally, for the rest of Tom’s interview, click here.

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