Grab Your Tissues! Photos from the Series Finale of Supergirl Released

Promo photos from the series finale of Supergirl have been released. The second part of the two part finale is called, “Kara” and it will air on November 9.

In the epic series finale, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is joined by familiar faces from the past to help her stop Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) and Nyxly (Peta Sergeant) for good. Meanwhile, Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Kelly (Azie Tesfai) prepare to walk down the aisle.

Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan and Chris Wood return for the series finale and it looks like we are going to get some amazing scenes in the finale! James walking Alex down the aisle! Jeremy and Melissa singing! I am so ready!

Source: CW

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