Miley Cyrus Covers & Chats with Metallica’s Lars Ulrich for Interview Magazine

Miley Cyrus is on the cover of Interview Magazine. The singer is on the cover of the magazine’s new Fall issue.

In the issue, Cyrus talks returning to the stage after a year and a half, recording “Nothing Else Matters”, singing in her lower register on the song, her band, festivals, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On returning to the stage after a year and a half with no warm up show: “It felt like jumping out of an airplane in front of 100,000 people. It brings back that tingle of fear, or maybe anxiety, which I haven’t felt in a while. But it reminded me, again, of how all of that’s erased when you perform. There’s so much less judgment in a live music setting than exists anywhere else at the moment.”

On being able to sing in her lower register on Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters”: “I don’t have a false voice. You know me personally, we’ve hung at parties. I am who I am. I say what I mean in the moment, even if that changes tomorrow. I was honored by the fact that I didn’t have to sing this song in the way that females are “supposed” to sing. You can hear that at the end of the song, when I take the gloves off and just start flying. That part of the song really grabs people. It’s that lower register of my voice. So I’m grateful to have a song where I can lean into that.”

On her band being her family: “They are my family when I’m on the road. They’ve been through everything with me. Dude, this is going to freak you out—my band has been my band since I was 12 years old. I’m about to turn 29. We’ve been through so much. When we’re out on the road, we talk about loneliness. It really can get that way. I have such a support system in them. I love having these authentic, real rock dudes in my band. We even revisit songs that I wrote before I was able to make this huge sonic pivot in my career, before I discovered rock and roll. Now, we cover my own songs. We take my original songs, and turn them on their head, and make them kick ass.”

You can read her full interview here. The interview was done by Metallica co-founder, Lars Ulrich, so it is a great read!

I also love her lower register. It is so hard for women to sing in that register and she makes it sound so good, but look so easy!

Source: Interview

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