Elle Fanning Chats Sofia Coppola With W Magazine For The Directors Issue

Elle Fanning is on the cover of the “Directors Issue” of W magazine. The young actress is joined by Kirsten Dunst and Rashida Jones in this new article from famed director, Sofia Coppola. Highlights from the issue are below.

On filming Somewhere with Coppola: “That was a moment. When you’re 11, you are physically, emotionally, mentally changing. You’re also very influenced by your surroundings. One of my first big film sets being led by a woman created a normalcy to seeing women in charge.”

On the Beguiled: “It was like going to college. I remember when I could really hang out with Sofia and Kirsten. We were all at this hotel in New Orleans, and we stayed up really late one night. I felt like I was in with the cool kids.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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