REVIEW: To All the Boys: Always and Forever is the Perfect Send Off to the Series

To All the Boys: Always and Forever is the final installment in the To All the Boys trilogy and the movie is everything fans would want in the series finale. Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) is in the final few weeks of her senior year and anxiously waiting to learn her fate for college. Her hope is to head to Stanford in the fall with her dreamy boyfriend, Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo), who will be going there on a lacrosse scholarship.

When Lara Jean doesn’t get in, she panics believing the perfect life she has envisioned with Peter is ruined. Fortunately she does get in to another school in California and believes her relationship can make the slightly-distanced commute. It’s not until she visits New York City on a school trip when she begins to wonder whether the future she has detailed out is the one she really wants and is the best choice for her.

Condor and Centineo continue to remind us why they are a perfect on screen couple. The two’s chemistry pours off the screen, you can’t help but be as invested in Lara Jean and Peter’s relationship as Condor and Centineo are. Condor’s comfort with her role as Lara Jean is plain to see as she expertly showcases Lara Jean’s struggle with what is best for her future versus what is best for her relationship.

Centineo’s Peter is as adorable as he was in the first two films. Peter has to do some growing up in this film as he’s faced with an unknown future and Ceninteo does well to embody this. The other standout in this movie is Anna Cathcart. Cathcart’s Kitty has grown so much since the first movie and she is even more enjoyable in this. As always, it seems her most enjoyable moments are when she is giving Condor’s Lara Jean a lot of grief.

For the final installment, fans will love and appreciate this endcap to the trilogy. The only thing really missing was more scenes highlighting Lara Jean’s relationship with her sisters. Margot doesn’t play as large a part in this one and Kitty’s scenes are small in number, too. One of my favorite things about the series is the scenes that feature all three sisters and seeing them again would’ve been a strong addition to this flick.

Fans of the To All the Boys series will not be disappointed with this movie. This latest addition has everything you loved from the first two and so much more. It is the perfect send off and kiss goodbye to the series. We are going to miss you a twelve, Lara Jean!

Grade: A

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