REVIEW: News of the World has Some Pacing Problems, But is Still an Overall Good Time

Tom Hanks reunites with his Captain Phillips director, Paul Greengrass, for this new film that pacing wise isn’t the greatest, but is filled with great performances and some pretty good action scenes. Based on the best-selling novel by Paulette Jiles, News of the World finds Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd (Hanks), a veteran of three wars, including the Civil War, now spending his days traveling from town to town to read the news to the town folk. It is along his journey that he comes across 10-year-old, Johanna (Helena Zengel). Taken in by the Kiowa people after the death of her family, Johanna must now be reunited with her biological Aunt and Uncle and Kidd takes it upon himself to make sure she makes it there safely. But traveling through the wilderness proves to be a hardship in its own and the two face a variety of different obstacles that may prevent them from making it to Johanna’s Aunt and Uncle’s house.

As I noted above, the story is pretty interesting, but it has some pacing problems. The story will have you glued to the screen for one scene and looking at your phone for the other. Part of the problem is because some scenes drag on for a tad too long. Most of what Greengrass is trying to accomplish in the too long scenes is accomplished within the first 30 seconds, but, instead of wrapping the scene there, he continues on with it. I think if these scenes had been shorter, I would have been engaged for the entire film rather than for just parts of it.

However, Hanks and Zengel are a joy to watch together on screen. As a fan of Hanks’ previous work, he did not let me down in this film. I thought he brought a lot of life to a character that could have come off as boring and unengaging, while Zengel also was great. Though her character does not say a lot, she had no problem expressing what her character is trying to say with her nonverbal acting. I would love to see Zengel receive some form of recognition for her performance, but with so many other performances happening this award season, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was left off.

News of the World may not be the epitome of a Holiday film, but it is definitely a film you should check out this Holiday season. The action scenes are fast paced and gripping while Hanks and Zengel are a winning onscreen team.

Grade: A-

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