Florence Pugh and Scarlett Johansson Cover the Winter Issue of Marie Claire

Florence Pugh and Scarlett Johansson are on the cover of Marie Claire. The Black Widow ladies are on the cover of the magazine’s upcoming Winter 2020 issue.

In the issue, the duo talk the push back of Black Widow, telling a female story in a male drive world, their choice in roles, COVID-19 and so much more. Check out a highlight below.

On Black Widow being pushed back due to COVID-19:

SJ: “I’d been talking to Kevin Feige about it, and our fellow producers, just trying to understand what the landscape was. We’re all eager to get the movie out, but more important than anything, everybody wants the experience to feel safe, to have people be able to really feel confident about sitting in an enclosed theater.”

FP: “I think I probably had a hunch,” she says. “It seemed to me all the fun of summer, and everybody being outside and finally having some relaxed rules, caught up with everyone, obviously, because of the virus. I’m sad that people don’t get to watch it for another half year, but I wasn’t majorly upset because it’s important to look after people right now.”

You can read their full interview here and see more photos below the jump. I hate that we have to wait until May to see the movie! But reading this interview has made me that more excited for it.

Source: Marie Claire

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