Lili Reinhart Goes House Hunting & Speaks Out Against Cyber Bullies

Lili Reinhart was spotted out in Los Angeles today, May 1. The Riverdale star looked super cute as she rocked her PPE as she went house hunting earlier today.

Lili has been laying low in LA since production on her hit CW show was cut short in March. The star, however, did speak out on Twitter today regarding the hashtag that was trending, “coleisoverparty”. Lili told readers, in now deleted tweets, “Twitter is such a vile place. It’s so easy to say s–t behind your f–king phone, isn’t it? This is why people choose to keep their relationships private… this is why people don’t have social media.. because of this bullying.”

You can read her full thread under the jump. And, you can see photos of Lili out today here.

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