Florence Pugh Celebrates Birthday in Mexico

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What a year. What a birthday. The day has certainly been adventurous and I’ve been treated and spoilt in every way possible. I even sprinted through Mexico City airport in the hope to catch a flight wearing what can only reaaally be described as beach attire and gave the onlookers the perfect ‘glad it weren’t me’ moment . My 24th lap round the sun and I’m figuring it out a little bit more everyday. For example, mosquitos will eat you whether you’re wearing repellent or not. Three times on one elbow. One. Elbow. I want to send my kisses and love to all who wrote to me today, all who posted about me today and to all those who wished me an immense day. I have! and I can’t thank you enough for celebrating national Florence Pugh day haha. Go and enjoy your 3rd of Jan and drink some bubbles. 💋 #happypughday #pewpewpew

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Florence Pugh celebrated her 24th birthday relaxing in Mexico. After a crazy 2019, the actress rang in her big day enjoying the sun and sand in Mexico.

The last few weeks had been particularly crazy for the young star as she promoted her brand new film, Little Women. She has received a number of nominations for her role as Amy March including a Critic’s Choice Nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

Happy Birthday Florence! We hope your day was amazing!

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