The Superheroes Have Begun Training for The CW’s Upcoming Fall TV Season

The CW has released a brand new “Superhero” promo for its upcoming Fall appearance. This video focuses on our favorite heroes training in a closed subway station.

Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and Black Lightning will all premiere their new seasons this coming October on the network. Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl will also be hosting this year’s crossover which will feature the introduction of Ruby Rose’s DCTV character, Batwoman.

Are you guys excited for the new seasons?

1 thought on “The Superheroes Have Begun Training for The CW’s Upcoming Fall TV Season

    • Author gravatar

      I don”t know about that. I remember The Flash singing to Supergirl (in that 2-parter with Supergirl and The Flash) and saying, “I gotta say I”m not impressed by your more famous cousin. Kara thanked him. Barry mocked him in stance and walking. And I, just laughed. gluten sensitivity

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