Maisie Williams Lands Role in New Play, “I and You”

Maisie Williams will be headed to the stage in her next starring role! Maisie will be joining the cast of I and You, which was written by Lauren Gunderson.

The play will be staged at the Hampstead Theatre in London from October 18 through November 24. Maisie will play Caroline. “Housebound because of illness, Caroline hasn’t been to school in months. Confined to her room, she has only Instagram and Facebook for company. That is until classmate Anthony bursts in – uninvited and armed with waffle fries, a scruffy copy of Walt Whitman’s poetry and a school project due in the next day… Caroline is unimpressed all round.

But an unlikely friendship develops and a seemingly mundane piece of homework starts to reveal the pair’s hopes and dreams – as well as a deep and mysterious bond that connects them even further.”

Sounds like a run role for Maisie! You can purchase tickets and/or learn more about the show here.

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