REVIEW: Pixar Does It Again with Coco

After 18 films, one would think Pixar Animation would begin to slow down or hit a lag. They shared tales of a world with live toys to a family of superheroes to the goings on inside of us all, but their 19th film may be their riskiest movie yet. Coco was definitely worth the risk. Coco is a bright, fun, family oriented movie that will have you tapping your toes and holding your loved ones close by the final credit.

Coco follows 12-year-old Miguel Rivera (Anthony Gonzalez) and his desire to be a musician despite his family’s hatred of music. Miguel dreams to be a musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz, but music has been banned from his family’s household for years after Miguel’s great, great grandfather walked out on his family to pursue a career in music. On Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), Miguel signs up for the local talent show to “seize his moment”, but his family, of course, has other plans. Miguel is set on his achieving his goal and ends up biting off more than he can chew when he ends up in the Land of the Dead. There he reunites with his ancestors residing in the Land of the Dead and together they must find a way to return Miguel back to the Land of the Living before Dia de los Muertos is over and he is stuck in the Land of the Dead forever.

The first thing people will notice about this movie is how brightly colored the animation is. From the marigold flowers lining the path guiding the ancestors to the Land of the Living to the alebrijes who protect those in the Land of the Dead, the colors and animation will leave you in awe. This movie is not a musical, but is heavily influenced by music. Music leads the film, arriving at perfect moments to drive the story along but never leaving you feeling like you’re watching a standard Disney musical. Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel has the perfect voice to be the youngster making his way and a surprisingly charming singing voice that will leave you smiling.

A movie surrounding the Day of the Dead sounds like a cool idea on paper, but left many wondering how Pixar was going to pull it off but they did. The skeletons are appealing and fun without looking scary and the Land the of the Dead is a welcoming place that will have you wanting to move into your own family’s home.

Pixar has once again found a way to draw in the younger audiences, while at the same time keeping adults thoroughly entertained. This company loves to take ideas that seem far-fetched and put their own fun spin on them. They also love to teach the audience a thing or two before all is said and done and Coco is no different, so make sure to check it out with your family and/or your friends this coming holiday weekend.

Grace: B+

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