REVIEW: Rebel in the Rye is Not Much of a Catch

The Catcher in the Rye is required reading, whether it be for school or for life. The novel of a prep school student who disappears for several days in New York City has lived on through generations. J.D. Salinger, the author, is the focus of Danny Strong’s new film Rebel in the Rye as he explores Salinger’s inspiration for the tale.

Rebel in the Rye follows the life of Salinger prior to the release of his now iconic novel. The film attempts an inside look at how Salinger created the story and what life was like for the author immediately after the novel’s release.

Some may think Salinger’s life had to be fairly exciting for him to write the novel but most of what you see in this film is not. What made Salinger write the story or what inspired him to create Holden Caulfield is never deeply explored. Director and writer, Strong skims the surface of Salinger’s life pre-Catcher instead of diving deep into it.

Nicholas Hoult this is the first mention of him does well as the outspoken author, but there’s not enough of story for him to work with. The film lacks depth and feels more like a highlight reel of Salinger’s career. Zoey Deutch’s character, Oona O’Neil, Hoult’s first love interest in the film, is seen only briefly in the beginning. Her character is never expanded upon to explain her influence on Salinger’s life. Kevin Spacey’s Whit Burnett, a teacher and mentor to Salinger, and Sarah Paulson’s Dorothy Olding, Salinger’s agent, are the two lone characters with any depth which is a shame as they are such minor characters.

Wait until this comes on TV to see it. Unless you’re a diehard Salinger fan, there isn’t a need to rush to see this film.

Grade: C-

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