Exclusive: Youtube Star Anna Akana Talks Stitchers, You Get Me, her New Book & More w/ BB

Tonight, June 12, Stitchers will air its next new episode on Freeform and this episode, entitled, “For Love or Money” will feature the first appearance from Youtube sensation Anna Akana.

We had the chance to sit down with Anna and talk about her upcoming appearance on the show. We also talked her new book, So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister and her new movie, You Get Me with Bella Thorne and Halston Sage.

On auditioning for her role on Stitchers:

“I auditioned for the role and went through the call all back. I then had a chemistry read with Allison Scagliotti and our chemistry was really great and we vibed pretty hard with each other, so they brought me on for the season.”

On what drew her to the role:

“I really loved the fact that it wasn’t conventional. There are some stereotypical roles, where you are playing a lesbian, where you’re more butch or you’re not as feminine. She’s (Amanda) very rockabilly, she has a life outside of work, she’s DJing. It felt like, ‘this is a complex person, who does a lot of things’ and it felt like, ‘oh yea, this is a real person. Not just someone who fits into a stereotype.’”

On her excitement,surrounding Amanda and Camille’s relationship:

“I’m really excited. Half of the roles I book are lesbian because I have such a masculine, alpha type
energy, but it was great playing opposite of Allison because she also has that energy, so it’s like ‘How is this going to work out?’. You can see in the show that we get together pretty fast, but it’s not the smoothest relationship because our personalities clash.”

The rest of the interview can be found under the jump. Anna’s new book will be released tomorrow, June 13 and her movie will be released on Netflix on June 23.


On if we will see them butting heads this season:

“To an extent. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s mostly Camille’s fault”.

On if she will have any interactions with the other Stitchers:

“I think there’s one episode where we do overlap because I’m a medical examiner, so I often do not
seem them. Their work takes place after I’m done my autopsy work. But, I do have one scene where I get to meet the team. It’s a little awkward because of all the drama going on in their own circle, so it was fun to work with everyone.”

On if Camille will hide her relationship from her friends:

“She shares details of it. We do have a small dinner party with Linus in the show and he’s a little
protective of her because of their past interactions. But she’s pretty open about dating me and hoping that it goes well and when it doesn’t go well.”

On if there is an episode she is most excited for fans to see:

“I am so excited for fans to see the finale. I don’t want to do any spoilers, but Allison has this beautiful moment where she is being really artistic and serenading Amanda. I was crying the entire time, but of course we shot her coverage first, so when it came to my coverage I was all out of tears. But she’s [Allison] so talented and her band is so good and getting to have her sing directly to me was so beautiful and I can’t wait to see that come across on camera”.

On what she is most excited for fans to see this season on Stitchers:

“I’m most excited for fans to see Camille really open up and be vulnerable. I don’t think she’s done that a lot on the show. I think she’s been really guarded and I think it’s really beautiful that you find one person who just clicks with you so well that you want to take that chance, you want to take that leap of putting yourself out there and letting yourself potentially get hurt. I think that is a really important message to send”.

On the release of her new book, So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister:

“I am so ready. It’s been a year and a half in the making, so I’m like, ‘Just put it out there’! I get really anxious about ‘Is anyone going to like this? Is it good?” I don’t know until it’s actually out there and I get feedback, so I’m ready. I’m ready.”

On if there is anything she is nervous about in the book:

“I talk about my abortion in it, which I have never addressed in my digital presence. I’m very
supportive of Planned Parenthood. I’m really nervous about it, but also excited because I think with the current political climate it’s so important to bring more awareness to Planned Parenthood.”

On if her little sister would be proud of the book:

“I would hope so!”

On her new movie, You Get Me:

“It’s a thriller. It’s set in high school. Bella Thorne and our main character [played by Taylor John Smith] hook up when he’s on a break with his current girlfriend. It’s very fatal attraction. My character is the lesbian best friend [of Taylor’s character]. It was really fun and it’s kind of this scary thing of Bella Thorne infiltrating our friend group and never letting him [Taylor] get away. “

On what it was like filming the movie:

“It was really great. Everyone on set was so nice. Halston Sage is so talented. Taylor’s amazing, Nash [Grier] is just like a goofball and exactly like you seem him online. We all had a great time”.

On what she would love to be a part of next:

“I love stunts, so I would love to be on a superhero show or a detective show, where I get to do a lot of fighting sequences. Especially after seeing Wonder Woman, we’re all hyped up to just beat a thousand dudes, so anything that involves fighting I’m super stoked on. “

On if there is a superhero she would love to be:

“Silk, for sure. Silk was bitten by the same spider as Peter Parker, but she was in a bunker for 10 years. I’ve been reading her comic books and I’m obsessed.”

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