Review: Logan is Not Your Typical Superhero Movie

Logan is unlike any superhero movie made before. If you are expecting a superhero movie this is not the movie for you. Logan takes place in 2029, and Logan is in a not so great place in life. He is being poisoned by the adamantium in his body and his healing abilities can’t seem to keep up anymore. Working as a limo driver in El Paso, TX and living with Professor Xavier and an albino mutant named Caliban, he doesn’t seem to have much good going on. Besides the aging problems affecting Logan and Xavier, everything seems to be fine until a young girl, Laura, comes into the picture and turns their world upside down.

Logan is an extremely character driven story that delves into the mindset of Wolverine and what makes him tick. Unlike other superhero movies, this movie refrains from the typical campy scenes and over the top flash bang fightscenes. Logan aims to tell a story focusing on giving him the sendoff he deserves. The fight scenes that do happen are brilliant and progress the story beautifully.

Hugh Jackman, once again, does a fantastic job as Logan, while Patrick Stewart is delightful as Xavier. Newcomer Dafne Keen, who plays Laura (aka X-23), will leave you hoping she gets her own movie somewhere down the road because she is fantastic. The trio provides a number of good scenes, but it is the action scenes with Laura and Logan that will leave you wanting more. The pair work wonderfully together and their chemistry is evident from beginning. More action scenes between the two would have been a nice bonus.

The biggest negative with this movie was too many questions were left unanswered. Several things were brought up in the movie and then left open by the time the credits rolled. Why aren’t Logan’s healing powers fighting off the adamantium and what exactly happened in Westchester?

If you are a fan of Logan and/or Hugh Jackman as Logan you will enjoy the movie. If you are looking for a typical superhero movie, then maybe wait to see this one when it is released on DVD.

Grade: B-

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