Three Sneak Peeks from Switched at Birth “Surprise” Released

Three sneak peeks from the next new episode of Switched at Birth have been released. The episode is called, “Surprise” and it will air next Tuesday, February 14.

In the episode, “Returning from London for a visit, Toby and Lily reveal their plans to get married in the Kennish backyard. But a fight before the wedding may tear them apart before they can say “I do.” Regina must decide whether to reveal her relationship with Luca to the family. When she least expects it, Bay runs into Tank (guest star Max Adler, “Glee”) again.”

The other two sneak peeks can be found under the jump. Since this episode is airing on Valentine’s Day, I really hope it ends well. No negative endings on Valentine’s Day.

Source: Freeform

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