Elle Fanning Covers ELLE UK

Elle Fanning is on the cover of  the February issue of ELLE UK. The young actress is on the cover to promote her new film Live By Night. Highlights are below.

On her little use of social media: “I recently turned my Instagram public on my 18th birthday, but I still don’t post everything I do, and I’m not on Twitter or Facebook. You have to leave a little mystery. With old movie stars, all you saw were rare interviews where they only shared what they wanted to – that’s what made them so interesting. You could separate the characters from the women, so if you watch them on screen you’re not thinking about what they had for breakfast.”

On her friendships: “Friends come to me for advice, and I always say it how it is. They know I’ll be super honest with them, and they like that. There’s none of that Post-Truth stuff with me.”

You can check out a bit more from the interview here. Elle’s issue of the magazine comes out tomorrow, January 10.

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