BB Heads to Comic Con


San Diego Comic Con is upon us and we’ll be in attendance at this year’s convention! We plan to cover several panels if all goes according to plan, but remember, this is Comic Con.

Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, iZombie, Riverdale, Powerless, Scream Queens, Dead of Summer, Power Rangers, Valerian and more will all be panels at SDCC.

Fans hoping that we would be covering the happenings in Hall H on Saturday or any of the other panels, do not worry we plan to hit as many as we can. We will be sure to let you know anything big announced during the Con.

To stay up to date on all things Comic Con and BeautifulBallad’s adventures make sure to follow us on all our social media accounts. We will be using the hashtag #bbsdcc, so you can track that as well.

Twitter: @BeautifulBallad
Instagram: BeautifulBallad
Snapchat: bballad (yes we have a snapchat!!)

Can’t wait to share with you all the goodies from Comic Con!

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