Grant Gustin and Keiynan Lonsdale Film Scenes w/ New Speedster for The Flash 3×01


Grant Gustin and Keiynan Lonsdale filmed scenes for the Season 3 premiere of The Flash in Vancouver yesterday, July 12. Keiynan rocked his new Kid Flash suit as he filmed scenes with Grant and a new speedster, who looks oddly like the Reverse Flash from the New 52 comics.

Production on the new season began last week and this is fans first look at Keiyan on set in his Kid Flash costume. It was announced by the CW yesterday that Keiynan would be taking on the Kid Flash persona in Season 3, but how that will affect Barry has yet to be seen.

You can see photos of the group filming on our Tumblr here and here. Who do you guys think the new speedster is?

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