Ashley Benson Sits Down with Ocean Drive


Ashley Benson sat down for a one on one interview with Ocean Drive. The actress talked to Ocean Drive about her hit ABC Family show, Pretty Little Liars, body ideals, staying grounded and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On body ideals: “I was just told I was too fat for a part. I’m a size 2! I cried for 30 minutes, but then you have to let it roll off your shoulders or it could cause a serious eating disorder. A lot of people in this industry hear they need to lose weight more times than they should. It does make you stronger, though. Because if you let that affect you, you can’t be in this industry—you’d go crazy.”

On staying grounded: “I definitely see why some people can go a little nuts. Being successful at such a young age—and I feel I never got to that level, but I’ve seen friends who have—is very difficult because you’re being told yes a thousand times more than you’re being told no. You’re making a lot of money, there are a lot of temptations, and there are no consequences no matter what you’re doing.”

You can read her full interview here. Ashley looks fantastic in the photos released! I especially love the one above!

Source: Ocean Drive

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