Check Out Behind the Scenes Photos from Last Night’s Summer Finale of Pretty Little Liars


New behind the scenes photos from last night’s (August 11) Summer finale of Pretty Little Liars have been released. The episode was called, “Game Over, Charles” and and in the episode the identity of Charles/”A” was finally revealed.

Am I the only one not satisfied with last night’s finale? I slept on it and realized there are a lot of plot holes still missing from the story. Also, the person they revealed as “A” was not as much of a shocker as I thought it would. It makes me think that the person they chose to be “A” was not the original person they chose.

Personally, it would have been more of a shocker for me if it had been one of the Liars. But let’s be real, for that to have happened they would have had to reveal “A” back at the end of Season 4.

What did you guys think of the episode?

Source: Eric McCandless/ABC Family

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