Maisie Williams is Featured in the May Issue of Glamour UK


Maisie Williams chatted with Glamour UK about her new movie, The Falling in their upcoming May issue. Maisie filmed the movie while on break from her hit HBO show, Game of Thrones.

In the interview, Maisie talked about the awkward sex scene she filmed with costar, Joe Cole saying, “It was really awkward. Joe Cole has done sex scenes before, in Peaky Blinders and Skins, but this was my first. There wasn’t any nudity – but because of the way it was shot, they needed to put the bed on stilts. Of course, one of the stilts fell off and the bed broke. It was an experience.”

To read the full interview make sure to pick up the issue on April 2! She looks great in the photo. The Falling will be released to theaters in the UK on April 24!

Source: Glamour

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