I Will Tell You


Scooter Braun opened up about Ariana Grande’s new album, Daydreamin’ to MTV. Scooter talked how Mac Miller came to be on her single, “The Way”, her next single, his favorite song on the album, and so much more.

On Mac Miller working on “The Way”: “She put that record together and then she called Mac and said ‘I want you to get on it.’ She was friends with him and you can see there’s a natural chemistry between them as friends. And I think that’s why it works so well. These kids are all around the same age and the same generation and they’re having fun with the music.”

On his favorite song on the album: ” I can tell you one of my favorite songs is called ‘Baby, I.’ And it’s a great, it’s such a feel-good record. I don’t want to tell you too much. You’ll just have to wait and hear it.”

Scooter also revealed that the new album will hit shelves in August with a second album to follow in February or March!

Can they please release the date for when her 1st album will be out?!

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