Live Outside The Box


Shailene Woodley is featured in the August issue of Details magazine. Highlights from her interview are below.

On her rumored relationship with Shiloh Fernandez: “Yeah…but, I mean, I have a very different life outside of this industry, which is up in the mountains and studying herbalism and being connected to the planet.”

On worrying about comparisons between The Hunger Games and her film Divergent: “I don’t know why it would worry me- The Hunger Games is a great success, and Jennifer Lawrence is amazing. Both take place in a futuristic dystopia…but they are thousands of movies that take place in futuristic dystopias.”

On contacting directors for roles: “I’ll contact directors and write very long e-mails- ‘I would do anything to audition for you'”.

You can check out Shailene’s full interview above.

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