Get Out Of This Rut


The new romantic indie, Stuck In Love, starring Logan Lerman, Lily Collins, Nat Wolff, Greg Kinnear, and Jennifer Connelly, follows a family of authors as they battle through the warfield of love. Directed by Josh Boone, though predictable at some parts, has a cast that brings to life a story that will tug at your emotions.

Stuck In Love tells the tale of a father, played by Kinnear, who is still in love with his wife (Connelly) after being divorced for three years. Despite having a fling with his neighbor (Bell) he can’t help but keep an eye on his wife and her much younger boyfriend.  Their children,  Samantha (Collins) and Rusty (Wolff),  affected by their parents divorce display different emotions when it comes to love. Samantha, who is about to have a book of her own published, has a more cynical look at love, while Stephen King obsessed Rusty is trying to make his first real love a  lasting reality with Kate (Liana Liberato).

The casting in this film is phenomenal. Collins brings to life a character we have never seen her play before in smart mouthed Samantha and the chemistry between her and Lerman is great. You can’t help but root for Lerman’s character, Lou, throughout.  Wolff was enjoyable to watch on screen as he played a character who tries to navigate the mess of his parent’s divorce, his sometimes over friendly sister, and his first relationship.

Being the first film to be directed by Boone, I was surprisingly pleased.  Some parts dragged but all around the story was compelling. It is the perfect film to see on a date or to see during the Saturday or Sunday matinees.

Grade: B+

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