So Much For My Happy Ending


Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, and Ashley Benson revealed to Entertainment Weekly how they would like to see Pretty Little Liars end. The girls were recently on the cover of EW magazine.

How Lucy wants it to end: “The girls have gone past the point of no return, so I think that their only happy ending, at this point, is finding these answers and then making a move forward. I don’t know how they’ve come through it so far, but they’ve done a pretty damn good job.”

How Shay wants it to end: “Oh my gosh, I’d like to believe that everybody can have a happy ending, and I don’t think it’s over until it’s over. I think at the end of it, these girls are going to come out on top. Then they can just do a year off and vacation, far, far away, with no technology at their side.”

How Troian wants it to end: “In my version of things, I would want the girls to find out what actually happened the night Alison died and then, in that moment, there’s a freedom with which they can kind of come forth and, in strength, take down whoever ‘A’ is and put Alison to rest, finally.

I don’t want it to be like the ending of Mean Girls, where they’re about to graduate and you see the four new girls walking up. You could so easily take Pretty Little Liars and make ‘A’ torture four new girls for seasons. To me, ‘A’ would not have significance beyond that mystery because that was the event that birthed it.”

How Ashley wants it to end:  “I don’t know where the producers are going to go with wrapping up the show. I hope there’s some sort of happy ending. They’ve been through so much through the last three years, so I hope that that’s the goal with the writers — to kind of make it obviously as scary and crazy and trippy as possible, but have the outcome be, ‘Wow! Okay!’ Or have the outcome be, ‘What the hell just happened?’ And end it on, like, a crazy shocking note.

Then they can do a spin-off with [Sasha Pieterse’s character] Alison [DiLaurentis] from when she was alive. That’s what I always say they should do. Because she’s so young. Everyone loves the show so much, and I’m like, ‘You guys should do a spin-off and she could get her own show.’”

To read how Marlene King and Oliver Goldstick want it to end click here. I don’t even want to think about this show ending. I love it so much!

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