Need To Relax


Jennifer Lawrence may have just won an Oscar, but she will have no time to celebrate. The star, who just left for Hawaii, has a grueling couple of months coming her way.

Jennifer revealed to E! “I want to sit on my couch and drink and not change my pants for days at a time. Don’t ask me about my schedule because I’m sinking into a bit of depression.”

The star is currently in Hawaii filming scenes for her new movie, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. She will then film her new untitled David O’Russel film before filming X-Men Days of Future Past.

She also talked to them about her costume for the X-Men movie. She said, “I’m so excited because I’m going to wear a body suit. It will be from neck down so it will cut out time and the blisters.”

Hopefully, she can find some time to relax. If not, once she is done filming X-Men she should just go on a month long vacation. If I were her, that is what I would do!


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