Don’t Know What I’ll Do


Selena Gomez chatted with Seventeen magazine at the launch of the Adidas NEO label last night, February 6, in New York City. She spoke about Spring Breakers, NEO, and her own style.

On NEO and her own style: “I think it’s such a great partnership because they definitely represent what I try to represent, which is individuality and being able to express yourself through fashion. It’s always been something that I try to let my fans know: fashion is supposed to be fun!”

On her most embarrassing Spring Breakers moment: “There was a scene where I had to dance with a bunch of college guys and they chose real spring breakers to come on set and dance. I was terribly nervous! I was like, I feel like I should at least have one of the girls with me. And Harmony laughed and was like, ‘You’re so cute. Of course, you can have Rachel dance with you!’ I remember thinking, ‘I want to dance with a girl and then maybe I’ll dance with a guy’.”

Spring Breakers will arrive on March 22 in theaters!

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