The Night Wears On

Vanessa Hudgens took part in the 12 Annual Production of the 24 Hour Plays last night, November 12, in New York City. The young star was joined by Justin Long, Amanda Heard, and more for the production.

According to Playbill, the event began at “10PM on Sunday, Nov. 11 — the night before the show — when a group of six writers, six directors, 24 actors, two musical guests, and a production staff gather at the American Airlines Theatre. After each of the cast members share a costume, prop, their special skills and stage desires — each writer is tasked with composing a ten-minute play by 7 AM the following morning, when the directors return to read and select their piece.

The casts will than “meet for the first time at 9 AM and, over the next 12 hours the plays are rehearsed and produced for a live presentation. At 8 PM, ink barely dry, the six new plays — interspersed with six musical acts — will be performed for a live audience.”

What fun and tiring experience for Vanessa! I hope she had a blast!

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