Rudely Barging In

The Today Show host, Katie Lee Gifford, spoke about the recent drama surrounding Taylor Swift’s attendance at Liam Kerr and Kyle Kennedy’s wedding in Boston this past weekend. Kathy confirmed that Taylor and her boyfriend, Conor Kennedy, were indeed asked to leave the wedding multiple times.

For those who don’t know, Kathie Lee is the step mother to Kyle’s mother Victoria Gifford Kennedy. Kathy stated on the Today Show, “I was out in the hallway, she was waiting, standing around, and he came out, took her by the hand and they left.”

Kathie Lee goes on to say that her stepdaughter  was “…really not happy about this” and that “She didn’t know if he was coming or not. She heard that he might be, but he got in touch with her an hour earlier, and said, basically, ‘Can I bring my girlfriend?’” Her stepdaughter sent a nice reply back stating “please do not come”, however the couple showed up anyways.

Taylor reps are still reporting that the incident mentioned above did not occur and that the bride was more than happy to share her day with Taylor.

You guys can check out the video of Kathie Lee discussing it here.

I don’t even know what to believe. What are your thoughts?

1 thought on “Rudely Barging In

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      I can’t imagine any bride being “happy to share her day” with someone else. It’s a day that’s all about her (and him…I guess). But I also can’t see Taylor being rude about this ordeal. I feel like if she went to a wedding she wouldn’t want it to be all about her and she probably wouldn’t even take pictures with anyone unless the bride was okay with it.

      It all seems a little bit weird to me, tbh. Like every story doesn’t even make sense. If they were asked not to come I find it weird that they would come. And like I said I can’t see Taylor being a brat and the bride actually wanting to share her day.

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