Life Will Come To You

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are on the cover of the July/August issue of Teen Vogue Magazine to promote their new film, The Amazing Spider-Man. Highlights from the interview can be found below! (BTW Emma’s answers will be italicized, Andrew’s will be normal).

On their personal heroes:
“My mom, for so many reasons—for her bravery. For everything.”
Andrew:  “Her mom. And my mom. [Points to Emma] She’s a hero of mine, because she is who she is…. And, of course, Ryan Gosling.”

On Emma’s new color:
“I have liked being blonde lately because I was blonde when I was little. So whatever I’m going through is easier because I look in the mirror and I look like I did when I was a kid.”

On high school sweethearts:
“I had an unrequited love. She actually quoted a Spice Girls song to ask me out and then dumped me after about four hours.”

To read more highlights from their interview click here. To read the full article be sure to pick up the issue on June 22. We will add the cover when it becomes available!

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