The Silly Song

Lily Collins recently spoke with Access Hollywood about her upcoming movie Mirror, Mirror and the differences between her Snow White film and Snow White and the Huntsman.

On the main difference between the two films: “Our Snow White starts off as the fairytale princess we all know and love and then she progresses into a young woman and much of a fighter, but it’s not an edgy version of the story or a darker version. It’s very much a comedic adventure and I think the other one is a little darker,”

On auditioning for the other Snow White film: “I auditioned for it, but I’ve been so excited for Kristen. I think that story is so different than ours and the girls are so different. She’s perfect for her version, and I’m really excited to be doing this one and I think they have totally different audiences.”

On working with Julia Roberts: “Julia was amazing… Her laugh and smile — that’s classic Julia and she brings that to the movie, but she puts a twist on it because she’s evil.”

Lily’s new film hits theaters in March!

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