Taylor Swift Covers The New Issue Of Billboard Magazine

Taylor Swift is on the cover of the new issue of Billboard magazine. The young actress is on the cover of the music magazine as Billboard’s Artist of the Decade. Highlights from her interview are below.

On speaking up on the behalf of other artists: “New artists and producers and writers need work, and they need to be likable and get booked in sessions, and they can’t make noise — but if I can, then I’m going to. I know that it seems like I’m very loud about this, but it’s because someone has to be.”

On interacting with fans on Tumblr: “Tumblr is the last place on the internet where I feel like I can still make a joke because it feels small, like a neighborhood rather than an entire continent. We can kid around — they literally drag me. It’s fun. That’s a real comfort zone for me. And just like anything else, I need breaks from it sometimes. But when I do participate in that space, it’s always in a very inside-joke, friend vibe. Sometimes, when I open Twitter, I get so overwhelmed that I just immediately close it. I haven’t had Twitter on my phone in a while because I don’t like to have too much news. Like, I follow politics, and that’s it. But I don’t like to follow who has broken up with who, or who wore an interesting pair of shoes. There’s only so much bandwidth my brain can really have.”

You can check out even from her interview here.

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