REVIEW: Lara Croft Returns in Tomb Raider

Square Enix created a video game franchise in 1996 focused on a woman who used her intellect and athleticism to explore tombs and prevent catastrophe. This woman was Lara Croft. From her introduction, the character has become well loved all over the world. Friday, March 16, fans will learn how she became the character they know and love in Warner Bros. new release Tomb Raider.

The movie is a reboot of 2001 movie, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, in which Angelina Jolie portrayed the kick butt title character. 2018 Tomb Raider follows Lara (Alicia Vikander) as she sets out to find what happened to her father after he went missing when she was a child. With the help of ship captain, Lu Ren (Daniel Wu), Lara’s journey takes her from London to Hong Kong to an uninhabited island off the coast of Japan, which she discovers may not be uninhabited at all. There she must use her wits and athleticism to stop a group set on releasing a dangerous evil in to the world.

Alicia Vikander is the newly crowned Lara Croft in the reboot. The Swedish actress does a great job showing off Lara’s innate need to never give up and her determination to seek out the truth. However, it’s hard to not compare her to Jolie. Where Jolie thrived in the action sequences, Vikander seems to have a little trouble finding her feet.

The supporting cast is pretty subpar, aside from Daniel Wu. Wu’s appearance in the film is small compared to most action sidekicks, but it leaves a lasting memory. He has a way about him that brings a charm to a character that could have potentially been pushed to the side.

The film feels like a true video game experience, which doesn’t necessarily translate well on screen. Scenes feel as though they are broken up between video game levels the gamer must complete in order for Lara to finish the game. Lots of action, sprinkled with a tad bit of intriguing elements, and finished off with a dusting of a story leaves fans with a mediocre Lara Croft film.

Grade: C+

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