BB Exclusive: Emma Watson Discusses Playing Belle During The Press Conference For Beauty & The Beast

Emma Watson recently opened up about playing Belle in the live action version of Beauty And The Beast during the Los Angeles press conference. Highlights from the chat are below.

On playing Belle: “I mean, it’s really remarkable to play someone that I’m almost sure had an influence on the woman that I have become. I think the first time I saw Paige O’Hara sing “Belle (Reprise)”, it’s kind of the I want song of all I want songs. And I just immediately resonated with her.

I mean, I was so young I didn’t even know what I was tapping into but there was something about that spirit, there was something about that energy that I just knew she was my champion. And I think when I knew I was taking on this role, I wanted to make sure that I was championing that same spirit, those same values, that same young woman that made me a part of who I am today.”

On her version of Belle differs from the animated version: “I love that in our version Belle is not only kind of awed and doesn’t fit in, and you see her reading, and you see her not really a part of the community. In our film she’s actually an activist within her own community. She’s teaching other young girls who are part of the village to read, and moments like that where you could see her expanding beyond just her own little world and trying to kind of grow it, I loved that, and yeah, that was amazing to get to do.”

On advice for outsiders: “…I would say for anyone that feels like an outsider in their environment, there is a big, wide world out there with so many different people with diverse opinions and perspectives and interests, and go out there and find your tribe, go find your kindred spirits, and they do exist, they don’t necessarily come easily. Pursue the things that you love and that you’re really passionate about. They’ll be there. But don’t give up. They are there.”

Beauty And The Beast opens in theaters on March 17!

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